OK, so I am finally in Japan and it is amazing but boy what a trip to get here. No problem getting on the flight and the first 7 hours were fine, and then.... I got sick! Yes, that is right. Your teacher threw up on a plane over the Pacific Ocean! I spent the next 4 hours flat on my back in the plane kitchen with an oxygen mask over my face. They even took me off of the plane in a wheelchair! How embarrasing! Don't worry though-- I am alright now. I was even healthy enough to go out to dinner in Tokyo with a group of other teachers and a Japanese college student. I ate some fried shrimp dish that was delicious and then we all took a bit of a walk around this area of Tokyo which is called Shinjuku. Time for bed! It is night here when it is day for you! We are already finished with Tuesday! Look forward to talking to y'all in a few days!
Hi Brie!
You look great! I hope your flight back is better than there. Try some dramamine. When I went to Italy I threw up getting off the bus as we were going in to see "The Last Supper". Someone gave me dramine and I did not remember anything the rest of that day. The tour guide said she could write a prescription if I needed one.
I will keep abreast of your adventerous journey!
Karen (Ms. M& M)
Are you Ok?
We prayed for you with the conditions of the earthquake
I played some of the words in japanese for the class today. The especially liked HAha for mom.
Thanks for your concern and comments. Yes, I am fine. We didn't even know about the earthquake here because it didn't affect Tokyo at all. I heard about it from my aunt in NY! It only affected the northernmost island and even that wasn't affected much.
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