So, Day 3 of my trip already (although actually day 4 for me, because I skipped right over one of them:) Yesterday was Wednesday and I started off my day with a huge breakfast that they had set up for us. I tried some strange Japanese things that I couldn't identify, but also had some regular American food like eggs and cereal. We then went to an orientation and then headed out for a quick tour of Tokyo. And I mean quick! It was lightening speed! We went to lunch at a traditional "tempura" restaurant. This means they took fish and vegetables and dipped them in a batter and fried them. It is very delicious. I liked the shrimp! There were no chairs so we had to sit on the floor on cushions just like the Japanese! After that we quickly saw a temple and walked past some shopping that I want to go back to and then headed out to see the Diet building. The Diet is like a Japanese Congress. They have a House of Representatives and a House of Consulates. The building was beautiful. It started to rain when we came out and we headed back to the hotel to see a live performance of kabuki and kyogen theater. It was very cool but by that time I was really really tired. After the theater, I went out to dinner with some friends I have made here. I got a noodle bowl, which wasn't my favorite but I am glad I tried it anyway. There are so many interesting foods to try! OK, hope you are all being good and hopefully I will talk to you tomorrow!
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