Monday, June 16, 2008

Only 4 days left!

I can´t believe that I am going home this saturday. It went so quickly. And then I am back to work.... My weekend was ok but I am glad to be back to school where I know what to expect. I have some fear of the weekends because it isn´t easy to get in touch with people here and I don´t want to be stuck at home with nothing to do. And where as I am very independent at home and go lots of places alone, here I don´t feel comfortable enough to do that. I did go out to dance with those guys from my dance class yesterday even though I couldn´t get a hold of the German girl. Today there is a new student from Arizona. She is moving here for a year. She is supposedly an intermediate but I speak more spanish than her so that makes me feel better. I still am frustrated that I don´t understand more when people other than my teachers talk. But with my teachers I can hold a full conversation. The dancing here is amazing. There is always always music and you can dance all the time. But to be honest, most people here dance the same way as people in clubs in Houston dance. Maybe the average person here dances better than the average person in the United States but there seem to be more REALLY good dancers in Houston than here. I am a super star dancer here. :) I get applause at the discotecas. Or maybe it is just that I am blonde :) But at home I am an average dancer in a salsa club. I don´t know. It is funny that right now I am traslate back from Spanish to English in my head. I guess that means I am thinking in Spanish. Er... I am thinking in Spanglish. Anyway... I am off to dance class.

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